Another London candidate pledges

MPP Candidate Terence Kernaghan for LONDON NORTH CENTRE signs Fix Our Schools PLEDGE to  1) Support State of Good Repair Standard for #Ontario’s Schools and 2) Support funding to ensure Standard [...]

Are you a student?

Help us by asking politicians to support “State of Good Repair Standard” for your school. *Download a “Pledge” from *Take a selfie with it. *Tweet [...]

Ready for the Ontario elections, are you?

   We are going to the polls on June 7th.  Are you ready?  Is your MPP and the competing MPP candidates willing to commit to fixing Ontario’s schools?  Not sure? Ask each one of them.  And [...]

School funding: the solutions

Economist Hugh Mackenzie insists in the latest issue of Our Schools/Our Selves that IT’S TIME FOR A NEW FUNDING FORMULA — ONE THAT PRESSES THE RESET BUTTON ON WHAT THE OBJECTIVES OF THE [...]

Dismal record of education funding

The looming Ontario election means that, once again, education will be a key topic of debate. The new issue of Our Schools/Our Selves focuses on a number of key issues that education workers, [...]