human rights office 2 b cut?

Last month at the Board’s April 20th Equity Policy Advisory Committee [EPAC] meeting, TDSB Superintendent, Jim Spyropoulos, is reported to have announced that the TDSB would be cutting the Human [...]

tdsb cuts: the deets

Senior staff at the TDSB have recommended that the school trustees approve the staffing levels of school-based staff for 2012-2013.  Do you agree?  Call your trustee today.  Witness the board [...]

Trustee strikes out at staff cuts

.[Trustee Kaplan with Ward 5 Summit Heights school kids] Dear Parents and Educators in York Centre, On Tuesday, March 20, Trustees of the Toronto District School Board met together with senior [...]

@TDSB sharpens it’s knives

A presentation of the surprise staffing model for TDSB was tabled March 21st at the TDSB’s Human Resources and Professional Learning Committee. By the time proposals leaked out, it was too [...]