=== My Calendar === Contributors: joedolson Donate link: http://www.joedolson.com/donate.php Tags: calendar, dates, times, event, events, scheduling, schedule, event manager, event calendar, class, concert, conference, meeting, venue, location Requires at least: 3.7.0 Tested up to: 4.0 License: GPLv2 or later Stable tag: 2.3.13 Accessible WordPress event calendar plugin. Show events from multiple calendars on pages, in posts, or in widgets. == Description == My Calendar does WordPress event management with richly customizable ways to display events. The plug-in supports individual event calendars within WordPress Multisite, multiple calendars displayed by categories, locations or author, or simple lists of upcoming events. Easy to use for anybody, My Calendar provides enormous potential for developers needing a custom calendar interface. * [Buy the User's Guide](http://www.joedolson.com/my-calendar/users-guide/) for extensive help with set up and use. * [Buy My Calendar: Submissions](https://www.joedolson.com/my-calendar/submissions/), the PRO extension for front-end event submissions = Features: = * Standard calendar grid and list views of events * Show events in monthly, weekly, or daily view. * Mini-calendar view for compact displays (as widget or as shortcode) * Widgets: today's events, upcoming events, compact calendar, event search * Custom templates for event output * Limit views by categories, location, author, or host * Disable default CSS and default JavaScript or display only on specific Pages/Posts * Editable CSS styles and JavaScript behaviors * Schedule a wide variety of recurring events. * Edit individual occurrences of recurring events * Rich permissions handling to restrict access to parts of My Calendar * Email notification to administrator when events are scheduled or reserved * Post to Twitter when events are created. (with [WP to Twitter](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-to-twitter/)) * Location Manager for frequently used venues * Fetch events from a remote MySQL database. (Sharing events in a network of sites.) * Import events from [Kieran O'Shea's Calendar plugin](http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/calendar/) * Integrated Help page to guide in use of shortcodes and template tags * Shortcode Generator to help create customized views of My Calendar * [Developer Documentation](http://www.joedolson.com/doc-category/my-calendar-3/) = Translations = Available translations (in order of completeness): French, Japanese, Danish, Dutch, Russian, German, Italian, Spanish, Galician, Danish, Czech, Hindi, Turkish, Polish, Finnish, Slovenian, Portuguese, Swedish, Romanian, Norwegian, Hungarian, Basque, Persian Visit the [My Calendar translations site](http://translate.joedolson.com/projects/my-calendar) to check the progress of a translation. Translating my plug-ins is always appreciated. Visit my translations site to start getting your language into shape! Translator Credits == Installation == 1. Upload the `/my-calendar/` directory into your WordPress plugins directory. 2. Activate the plugin on your WordPress plugins page 3. Configure My Calendar using the following pages in the admin panel: My Calendar -> Add/Manage Events My Calendar -> Manage Categories My Calendar -> Manage Locations My Calendar -> Manage Event Groups My Calendar -> Style Editor My Calendar -> Script Manager My Calendar -> Template Editor My Calendar -> Settings My Calendar -> Help 4. Edit or create a page on your blog which includes the shortcode [my_calendar] and visit the page you have edited or created. You should see your calendar. Visit My Calendar -> Help for assistance with shortcode options or widget configuration. == Changelog == = 2.4.0 = [todo] * Option to post new events into blog posts * Add author limit tool * Add search documentation * Add filters to search query parameters * Add function to display event/s currently happening. * Create advanced search * Add ability to completely remove link on event title in calendar grid. * Feature: allow limiting of categories to specific member groups = 2.3.14 = * Bug fix: Disabled front-end event editing links for logged-in users. * Language updates: Spanish, Norwegian, Hungarian = 2.3.13 = * Bug fix: Failed to handle "open links to event details" option in updated JS handling. = 2.3.12 = * Bug fix: change of option name meant that you couldn't enable/disable scripts. * Bug fix: shortcode generator generates a 'readonly' textarea instead of disabled so it can be copied in Firefox. * Accessibility: handle assignment of focus on AJAX navigation = 2.3.11 = * Change: Modified default JS saving so that only custom JS gets handled in editor. * Change: toggle to enable/disable custom JS; default to off * Change: Moved scripting into files. * Notice: admin notice to inform users of need to activate JS if using custom * Bug fix: Modify default JS so wpautop doesn't cause problems with toggles. * Bug fix: External links displaying is_external boolean instead of classes. * Bug fix: mysql error if location_type not defined but location_value is. * Bug fix: page_id unset when default permalinks in use. [Ick. Don't use default permalinks.] * Bug fix: My Calendar navigation panel could not disable top/bottom navigation. * Feature: * Add Bcc notification list * Accessibility: improvements to pop-up event details: focus & closing, ARIA * Filter: headers filter for My Calendar email notifications. * Filter: Add detection to pass custom JS from custom directory/theme directory * Updated French, Spanish translations. * Removed .po files from repository; reduces file size by over 2 MB. = 2.3.10 = * New filter: mc_jumpbox_future_years - alter the number of years into the future shown in the calendar date switcher. * New filter: mc_add_events_url - alter URL for Add Events in adminbar; return URL * New filter: mc_locate_events_page: alter menu parent of Add Events in admin menu; return menu slug or null * Bug fix: ltype and lvalue not passed from shortcode into handler for upcoming events. * Bug fix: disable comments by default for event post storage. * Bug fix: misnamed variable in filter; resolves notice on line 239 of my-calendar-output.php * Bug fix: do search and replace on default scripting as well when script fields are blank * Bug fix: Check default option for import data from remote database; verify the default will be false * Added template tag: {linking_title}; same as {link_title}, but falls back to details link if no URL input for event. * Change default widget template to use {linking_title}. * Security: Two XSS vulnerabilities fixed. Thanks Tim Hurley * Update Translation: Russian = 2.3.9 = * Bug fix: Minor event templates ( title, detail, etc. ) were not properly escaped in admin forms. * Bug fix: use reply-to email header in support messages * Bug fix: Mass approval of pending events broken. * Bug fix: {linking} template tag referenced wrong event URL. * Bug fix: My Calendar API RSS no longer dependent on default RSS data. * Bug fix: Replace mysql_* functions for PHP 5.5 compatibility. * Bug fix: Incorrect template tag in Single view template: {gcal} instead of {gcal_link} * Bug fix: PHP notice on $map * Language updates: Japanese, German, Italian = 2.3.8 = * Added {link_image} to add an image linked to the event URL in templates. * Bug fix: extended caption value saved but not shown. * Bug fix: For multi-day events ending at midnight, last date automatically extended one day at save. * Bug fix: on copy, if start date is changed, but end date isn't, increment end date to match length of original event. * Change: Eliminate error on empty title fields or invalid recurrence values. Set to default value instead. = 2.3.7 = * Did not enqueue jQuery on front-end unless Google Maps was enabled. (Incorrect condition nesting...) Whoops. = 2.3.6 = * Error in yesterday's bug fix for upcoming events. * Bug fix: Email notifications broken. = 2.3.5 = * Bug fix: Notice in today's events widget * Bug fix: Images from pre 2.3.0 configuration did not display in default Single event view. * Bug fix: Upcoming events list could return too few events. * Bug fix: Display default date format if format not set. * Bug fix: Fallback to default JS if custom JS not defined. * Filter: added filter to Google Maps code; mc_gmap_html * Option: enabled option to disable Google Maps output. = 2.3.4 = * Bug fix: Week date format wouldn't save. * Bug fix: Event posts & custom field data not saved on copy action * Bug fix: HTML errors in {hcard} address format. * Bug fix: Manage events search form overlapped pagination links * Bug fix: Events ending at midnight in Today's Events lists appeared twice = 2.3.3 = * Bug fix: Notice on access_options filter. * Bug fix: Invalid date values if no parameters set for iCal * Bug fix: Invalid nonce check in location entry prevented creation of new locations. One missing exclamation point. Sigh. * Bug fix: If location controls are on, allow old values to be saved, but raise notice that value is not part of controlled set. * Feature: add sync=true to root iCal URL to connect apps for scheduled syncing. (http://example.com/feeds/my-calendar-ics/?sync=true) * Updated: Polish translation = 2.3.2 = * Bug fix: label change to clarify entry format for location controls * Bug fix: Missing end tag on