Education workers on Falconer

There has been a lot of press about the Falconer Report, the 1,100 page document which was struck in response to the tragic death of Jordan Manners at CW Jefferys C.I. last May.  By and [...]

The poverty of education

LETTER TO THE EDITOR   Toronto Star  Jan 23, 2008 04:30 AM re:  Black schools wrong answer   Editorial, Jan. 21 The failure of the Toronto District School [...]

Troubled Schools?

The Agenda (TV Ontario, Channel 2) will consist of a discussion on "Toronto's Troubled Schools." The guest will be Julian Falconer.  Tuesday, January 22nd, 8pm with repeat [...]

Matter of trust

NOW   Jan 17, 2008School safety tome shockingly calls for a narrowing of trustees’ roleBy Andrew Cash If you’re a mandarin at the Toronto District School Board, the [...]

Reality Check

NOW   Jan 17, 2008The Falconer report on school safety paints a disturbing picture. But was the media too quick to jump on the more alarming bits? Take a look at the numbers. The [...]

School board boss takes blame

Carlos Osorio Toronto Star, Jan 16, 2008 The Toronto school board's director of education is taking the blame for any failure to inform staff about giving input to lawyer Julian [...]

CPE letter in The Star

Much more to report than meets the eye  LETTER TO THE EDITORToronto Star   Jan 15, 2008 re The real schools issue  Letter, Jan. 13 While the media have been focusing on what [...]

Hire workers to support youth

 TheStar  Jan 14, 2008   LETTER TO THE EDITOR The carrot or the stick? re: Why schools aren't safe   Jan. 11 As a kindergarten teacher with the Toronto District [...]

Make Schools Inclusive

Toronto Star  Jan 12, 2008 04:30 AM re Searches urged at schools Jan. 10   To keep our schools safe, we must focus on solutions that address causes and not just effects. Eye-grabbing [...]