The School As Community Hub

There’s been much chatter about schools as community hubs this month.  But what does this actually involve?  Here is one of the more comprehensive studies on the subject edited by David [...]

CPE monthly assembly

The next CPE assembly on public education will be held on Monday May 25th  6-8pm. If your group or organization is Toronto-focused and demands full education funding, please join us. This monthly [...]

$7m further cut at TDSB

The TDSB will be trimming another $7-million from its budget, on top of making $16.5-million in cuts to balance its budget.  Roughly 260 jobs had been eliminated, including about 50 [...]

Low-enrolment schools=more than #s

The Toronto public school board is quietly shutting down Eastern Commerce and Nelson Boylen, the two most under-enrolled schools in the city even though neither has been part of a required area [...]

Who voted to cut?

Eight Trustees opposed the cut of 23.5 special education support staff positions this fall.  In a motion passed by TDSB March 11, 2015 all staffing cuts were passed as proposed except item (g). [...]