Ontario’s crumbling school buildings pull principal’s away from their job of “professional learning & improving the instructional program.” Instead, “22 % of [...]
The PC “Plan for the People” makes no mention of addressing the $15.9-billion of disrepair that plagues Ontario’s publicly funded schools. Will Doug Ford’s PC government protect the [...]
Doug Ford’s Progressive Conservative party won a resounding majority in Thursday’s election after promising to restore ‘respect for the taxpayer’. Too bad for the [...]
Alongside no more sex-ed in school classrooms, cheaper gas, cheaper electricity, an end to carbon cap-and-trade measures and tax cuts for almost everyone, the big components of Premier-elect Doug [...]
“ Ford is telling us a lot by prioritizing a repeal of the sex ed curriculum. This is how he reads the room in the wake of the first out lesbian premier in Canadian history. This is not [...]