Weigh in on governance debate here:
Errol Young, photographer, former school trustee, community activist and online education commentator He represents community interests in the ongoing battles to keep public education public at a monthly assembly of groups and organizations which, for over a decade has run joint campaigns under the title of the CAMPAIGN FOR PUBLIC EDUCATION.
CPE's own 10 Point Program insists that parents, students, community leaders must have their say in the governance of public education.. What do YOU think? Comment below & we will publish your opinions this week! Below, to get you started are several comments from concerned observers. First up is Paul Connelly 12:13 AM on January 12, 2013
Maybe it's time to do away with school boards. Since the province controls the purse strings anyway, why not let it take the consequences of any outcomes too? A reply to Connelly noted that: MPP's don't want to be the ones who are complained to when a school principal messes up. (OgtheDim Saturday 11:35 AM on January 12, 2013.) Other commentary came from : C. Gambacort 8:17 AM on January 12, 2013 The Board is too big. It should be dismntled and replaced by 4 smaller ones aligned within the 4 quadrants that already exist within the TDSB. Deision making gets closer to the ground and servce delivery more accurately targeted. Earlier on Saturday at 8:52 AM January 12, 2013, Inmyownopinion suggested that:
An experienced CEO would serve the Board well. Appointing left leaning educators to run a billion dollar enterprise with tax payers funding is not going to fix the TDSB. Good Business sense balanced with what is good for kids is needed. Some morals and ethics in the leadership would be nice too.
Scrutineer1 Saturday at 10:06 AM on January 12, 2013 insisted that:
The [school board] organization is so vast that even a genius at the top will have big challenges. The TDSB has more students than most Canadian provinces!
There are some outstanding Directors in Ontario boards, I met many of them over the years. But I think even the best among them would recoil at the task of righting this ship.
We have this fantasy about the superhero CEO magically “fixing” an organization. As a longtime armchair critic of Ontario education, I say talk to the principals. They are more grounded in pedagogy than the bureaucrats and better system-thinkers than many teachers. They know what the kids need and they know what the system needs. Something a wise old director once told me: “The best teachers just close the classroom door and teach”, doing their best to ignore the administration.
slancha1 10:51 AM on January 12, 2013 Their trustee's 'search' for a new director has already been decided. Come June an insider that has courted their support will be announced and the dysfunction continues. The game is rigged and needs to be overhauled. Some good ideas above on where to start.